How to Export Outlook Express to MS Word

Amazing Solution - PCVARE DBX to DOC!

Outlook Express saves mails in DBX format & it is impossible to read them unless you have got OE. Often users come to us with queries like:

  1. How can I read DBX mails in Word?
  2. Can I open Outlook Express mails in MS Word?




DBX files are email format that can contain several emails in a single DBX file & DOC is a document format that is used for typical documentation, both have no connection to each other. Also there are no in-built import-export options available to move files from one application to another. Now the question is what to do if such need occurs that you have to open & read DBX files in Word?

There is a method which can be applied if you have Outlook Express installed & DBX files configured in it. To open or read DBX files in MS Word, follow the given instructions:

  1. Launch Outlook Express
  2. Select any email
  3. Go to File Menu >> Save As >> Select Save As Type (HTML format)

Once the file has been saved in HTML format, you can view easily in Word format and to so this, go with further process:

  1. Select that HTML file and right click
  2. Select Open With >> Microsoft Word
  3. You can keep that file is HTML format or can again save in Doc format by using Save As option.

Some Negative Points of Using this Method to Transfer Outlook Express to DOC:

  • Difficult to Use and Lengthy Procedure
  • Time wasting
  • Transfer only one email at one time
  • Possibility of file corruption
  • File Missing/ File Corrupt
  • Possibility for modification in original format

If you have a small number of emails which you need DOC format then you can apply it, but only when you have Outlook Express installed in your machine. But if you do not have OE install & got a large number of files conversion then this solution will not work for you. There is a smart option which makes it quicker & more reliable solution for this task.

How this tool will work?

This can be easily handled by PCVARE DBX into DOC Converter. Using this application you will be able to convert large number of DBX emails at once into DOC format. And once you have the files in DOC then you can open & read them in any MS Word version you want. This is a direct option which makes it quicker & more reliable solution for exporting Outlook Express files to DOC task.

  • First install & download Software
  • Once you come to the first software screen you will see that there are two options for selection DBX files
    1. Add DBX: Using this option can choose each DBX files individually
    2. Add DBX folder: Along this option you can select entire folder of DBX files at on go
  • Now Click on Convert button & select any location to save the files after conversion into DOC
  • In few seconds you will have all DBX files converted into DOC format.

We suggest that you try the software's DEMO version first; it's FREE & gives you an accurate picture of how the software will work & what function it will support. (In demo conversion only 1 email from each DBX file will be converted into DOC format)

Top Features of the Outlook Express to Word Converter Software:

  • Provides easy & simple Method to convert OE files into MS Word document.
  • Using Batch conversion, you can convert unlimited .dbx files to doc format.
  • There is no limitation defined to add DBX files with a fixed number in batch mode conversion facility.
  • Preserves the component of the emails like- to, bcc, cc, from, sent & received date, read/unread status, header details, rich-text/HTML formatting etc.
  • Support all OE versions-5.0, 5.5and 6.0 etc. means DBX files from all these versions can be converted easily.
  • Provide guarantee for conversion with money back policy.
  • Helps users by providing easy user interface to handle it.
  • Workable with all Windows OS editions including with the latest Windows 10 & 8.1.
  • If any further information you can contact support team that is available 24X7 without think so much.

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